Autore: Juan José Bartolomé

Born at Madrid, 1944, salesian priest from 1972. He obtained (1972) a STL from the Pontifical University of Salamanca, Spain, and de SSD (1985) from the Pontifical Biblical Institute of Roma. He has taught New Testament Studies for almost thirty years in Spain, Brasil and Mexico. He presently works a the Salesian Generalate and lectures on the Pauline Letterature at the Pontifical Salesian University in Rome. He has written a good number of articles and books on exegesis and spirituality in Spanish and Italian.

Evangelio al día 2022

Da anni la Pastorale Giovanile dei Salesiani in Spagna offre ai giovani animatori e a quanti participando nei gruppi giovanili di fede una piccola risorsa annuale: un breve commento di tutti i passi evangelici celebrati in tutto l’anno liturgico, seguendo…

È deceduto P. Dr. Otto H. J. Wahl

Liebe Mitbrüder, liebe Don-Bosco-Familie, liebe Einrichtungsleiterinnen und –leiter,  hiermit muss ich mitteilen, dass am 20 Dezember 2020 (wohl zwischen 5.00 und 6.00 Uhr) in Benediktbeuern im Alter von 88 Jahren unser Mitbruder P. Dr. Otto Wahl verstorben ist.   Gesundheitlich war P.…

New Book by Eric John Wyckoff, SDB:

John 4:1–42 among the Biblical Well Encounters: Pentateuchal and Johannine Narrative Reconsidered. WUNT II 542. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck. 2020. This study proposes a new approach to an ongoing scholarly discussion. How can the relationship among the encounters at wells narrated…