Autore: Juan José Bartolomé

Born at Madrid, 1944, salesian priest from 1972. He obtained (1972) a STL from the Pontifical University of Salamanca, Spain, and de SSD (1985) from the Pontifical Biblical Institute of Roma. He has taught New Testament Studies for almost thirty years in Spain, Brasil and Mexico. He presently works a the Salesian Generalate and lectures on the Pauline Letterature at the Pontifical Salesian University in Rome. He has written a good number of articles and books on exegesis and spirituality in Spanish and Italian.

Dios salva educando.

Madrid, Editorial CCS, 2019, pp. 210. Nuevo libro de Juan J. Bartolomé La originalidad del libro reside en la perspectiva con la que autor se acerca a los hechos salvíficos más relevantes del AT: creación y pecado, éxodo, desierto y…