Excerpt from a message Frank J. Moloney sent recently to me

Today  [28.02.2019] my copies of the CCS volume “Una reflexion salesiana sobre la vida consagrada” arrived here at  Clifton Hill… I am delighted with the publication, and most grateful to everyone at CCS that made it happen…. Rafael (Vicent) for a really sparkling translation, that even I can understand, and Orlando for seeing the whole process through.

I am working with the editors on a large-scale (200,000 words!) commentary: The Apocalypse of John. An Alternative Commentary. I have also used that learning experience to write a simpler book, for use with The Prayer of the Church in the weeks after Easter, with the title Reading Revelation at Easter Time. Both will appear in early 2020.

In collaboration with one of my former PhD students I am about to publish Interpreting the New Testament. An Introduction with Eerdmans, and I have a small commentary on the Johannine Letters with the editor at Paulist Press: Letters to the Johannine Circle. 1-3 John.

I very much enjoy living community with the EAO Region young men in formation. God is good! Although I will be 80 in March, 2020, I have made it clear to my Provincial hat I would like to attend the next ABS meeting in Jerusalem. It will depend on my health. I keep quite well … with the usual complaints of old age! If I come that far I will probably try to revisit Rome – most likely for the last time. Anyway, Juan Jose, know that I am planning to be with my SDB biblical colleagues in August 2020.


Congratulations, Frank!

Juan J. Bartolome

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