Reading Revelation at Easter Time. Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press, 2020

“The distinguished Johannine scholar Fr. Francis Moloney, taking a cue from liturgy, has produced a guide to Revelation for the Office of Readings in weeks two through five after Easter. His interpretation is a striking departure from interpretations of Revelation as a coded sequence of disasters leading to the apocalypse, an earthly millennium, and heavenly paradise for those who survived the tribulations. Instead Fr Moloney insists that salvation was mediated through the death of the Lamb from the beginning of creation. The story being told in symbolic visions is that of faithful Israel preserved in the Jewish Scripture, an account of those who obeyed Torah and gave witness to God’s messiah. Certainly a picture of salvation fully realized in the Easter proclamation is better suited to Revelation’s liturgical use than apocalyptic horrors”
Pheme Perkins, Boston College
Witnesses to the Ends of the Earth. New Testament Reflections on Mission. Sydney: St Pauls Publications, 2020

Eminent biblical scholar, Francis J. Moloney, SDB, explores the teaching on mission found in the letters of St Paul, the Gospels of Mark, Matthew, Luke-Acts, and in the Gospel of John, showing how each of the inspired authors provides unique yet complementary insights into the mission entrusted to the followers of Jesus – a mission an intra (to the community) and ad Gentes (to the wider world). He concludes with a study of the Eucharist as the heart of the Christian mission: “As often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes” (1 Cor 11:26).
St Pauls Publications, Sydney