La comunità “Sacro Cuore di Maria” comunica che oggi è andato don Mario Cimosa, di anni 79. Nato a Napoli, il 29.04.1940, fece la prima professione a Portici-Bellavista il 16.08.1957 e la professione perpetua a Napoli, il 16.08.1963. Ordinato sacerdote, a Roma-UPS, il 21.12.1967, fu Docente di Sacra Scrittura nella Facoltà di Teologia-UPS dal 1981 al 2014.
Affidiamo nella nostra preghiera il nostro caro confratello e collega D. Mario all’amore misericordioso di Dio.
It is with much regret that I read of the passing of Mario Cimosa. Both students of Theology at the PAS/UPS, Mario was ordained a year ahead of me. Always an engaging and enthusiastic figure, his presence in the biblical scene was rich, and highly esteemed.
I share one memory. Mario visited me at the Catholic University of America in the early 2000’s. While with me, I set up a meal and some time together with the greatest USA (and significant international) exponent of the Wisdom Literature (Mario’s first love): Roland Murphy, O. Carm. At the end of the wonderful evening, during which the two “Professors” shared their memories and insights, they exchanged published books … and they were both in tears as they parted! See how these experts in the Wisdom Literature love one another! Francis J. Moloney